The watchmaker screwdriver set is not only for the watchmaker one of the most important tools, but also in the electrical sector, for the model maker, or in the Do-it-yourself and hobbyist needs. The fine screwdriver with smooth-running rotating cap facilitates precise repeated screwing, turning, tightening or loosening due to its special ease of movement. Moreover, this product is almost nickel free and 100% made in Germany, made of high quality aluminum.
INSTRUCTIONS: High humidity or touching the blades with your fingers (sweat) causes flash rust. Therefore, the blades should always be kept dry or rubbed with a drop of oil for storage. If such rust forms on the blade, it can be easily removed, with a slight ground.
High-precision screwdriving tools to factory standards, these watchmaker screwdrivers are characterized by smooth running with optimum traction. Very fine screwdrivers are also known as micro screwdrivers. BERNSTEIN screwdrivers have a precision blade and a sturdy aluminum handle. These watchmaker's screwdrivers or precision mechanics screwdrivers are often supplied as an accessory to devices for opening, setting or readjusting.